When Olya asked me to write her "About" page, at first I didn't like the idea. I told her, "babe, this is your thing... you can say as little or as much as you want." However, she insisted that it would be better coming from me, someone who knows her well and can be somewhat objective. I've had several attempts at the task and each time I ended up writing an essay. So, the following is a quick summary of what I wrote :)
Our family
Olya and I have been married for over 11 years. We have 4 beautiful boys and a fish named Charlie. Although we've come from quite differing backgrounds, we both knew we have a calling and passion for people. Even in our early years of marriage, our house was always full of people. Her ability to connect and walk with people through challenging seasons with such grace and confidence was nothing short of a gift. She's able to see what can be and not get distracted with what isn't. Time and time again I watched her encourage and believe the hell out of people... and witness the transformation take place. To me, she's a warrior, a tender giant of faith, a fire-starter, a faithful friend, an extremely wise mother, and a spiritual force to be reckoned with.
Her biggest passion is family. But not just any family. Family that carries and releases revival! Olya came from a broken family that God has miraculously restored. She's seen hardship, tears, pain of losing her mother at a young age, separation, fear, loneliness. However, she's also seen breakthrough, healing, transformation, revival, restoration, and rest. She has the same passion and faith to believe that God is able AND willing to do the same for anyone because He is so good!
We are entering into a season of preparation for a harvest of souls like we've never seen before. God is giving strategies to his people in so many different countries, languages, and areas of influence. Family is front and center. We are created for family. God is eternal family. He calls us and adopts us into a family. Revival IS family restored to it's original design and purpose. Isn't this EXCITING!
My prayer is that the content of these blogs challenge you, stir hope and encouragement, dream so big it scares the crap out of you, and propel you into a wild pursuit of the heart of our Daddy God! The one who completely changed our lives, filled it with purpose and the main reason we're doing this blog thing in the first place!